Tuesday 23 August 2011

New form of media publishing

Source from new-wavemedia.com

Naughton (2006) describes that people in the past were uncreative and passive due to the lack of publication opportunities and interactive tools. Unlike today, every users can be online journalists via blogging that has been powered in many ways by social media such as Youtube,Twitter, Facebook, alternative online newspaper and so forth. According to Scott Rosenberg (Catone, 2010), explains a new home for minutiae around the blogosphere such as status updates, shared links, passing observations and authorize blogs for longer form, more valuable writing are now provided by social media. 

‘What's a video worth if a picture is worth thousand words’

Source from digitaltrends.com

YouTube, allows internet users to upload and share video contents with the world. Comscore (2011) states YouTube.com is ranked as the top online video content property in April with 142.7 million unique viewers in Google site. 

Youtube has been utilized as a medium to promote and publicize the presidential candidates as well as celebrities. According to Nord (Kindblom, 2009), parties and politicians distribute unfiltered information via Internet to the citizens without having to pass the needle eye of journalists and editors. For instance, Barack Obama announced his candidature by posting short video on his homepage during 2008. This can also encourages the interpersonal relationship between these people with the audiences. 

Hanson and Haridakis (2008) mentions YouTube is more than a substitute for the traditional TV news delivery system. Users are allowed to replay or select specific contents which they may have missed on TV. However, this new form of media presents real challenge dealing with copyright issue. According to Bromberg (Bentley, 2007), states any videos that violating Digital Millennium Copyright Act will be taken down by YouTube authority.

Walsh (2006) explains multimodals contain meaning that is communicated through different modes while affordance lies in how the words are used in the text. For instance, visuals and graphics contexts such as YouTube videos can be attached to our online blogs in order to it more attractive and understandable to readers.

Naughton, J. 2006, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, viewed 22 August 2011,

Cathone, J. 2010, a Look Back at the Last 5 Years in Blogging, viewed 23 August 2011, 

ComScore 2011, comScore Releases April 2011 U.S. Online Video Rankings, viewed 23 August 2011

Kindblom, L. 2009, Analysis of Video Filmed Speeches Published on the Internet in the
American Democratic Party Primary Election, viewed 23 August 2011,

Walsh, M, 2006. The ‘textual shift’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts

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