Sunday 21 August 2011

Types of blogging communities & methods to build blogging communities

How to interact with other counterparts?

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Blogs have taken new dimension in forming online communities which is known as blogging communities, it provides opportunity to socialize, share messages within a group and increase traffic to your own blog and site. According to Kinkeldei (2007), blogging community is defined as,

‘Blog communities aggregate the individual and independent blogs of a number of people 
with a shared interest – the same cause, similar political views, business interest, etc’

She also mentions blog communities transmit idea of sustaining communication and connections of a social network amongst distinct groups of people with an akin mindset. 


Hines (2011) proposes it is beneficial to create own loyal community base as it drives more traffic to your site, generates income by charging readers entry fees or privileges contents. Building community can be done through visit and comment on others' blog, active comment bar such as Livefyre and Disqus, share and link posts to others' blogs and social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and RSS for further discussion and to show interactive. 

White (2006) explains there are 3 types of blogging communities:

The Single Blog/Blogger Centric Community

This is also known as 'the one blog' which own by one owner and organization but involves multiple authors writing in a blog. Readers are able to comment and know the blogger as well as other commentors. Commentors can also get to know each other by sharing their individual information through private e-mail, MSN and etc. Basically, only central blogger can control power over community by setting topic, rules and norms of engagement. Therefore, community would split if that particular blog was shut down unless there is alternative way formed by these members. 

The Central Connecting Topic Community

This is a rich network formation because readers are able to view different perspectives on an issue linked by common topic and passion. Personal details be shared through private e-mail and MSN as they are not always shared on blog to public. Basically, community are linked by blog rings and hyperlinks in form of blog rolls, tagging, blog posts, trackbacks, comments and aggregated feeds. Both power and identity is distributed and manifested through relevance, quality or amount of entertainment across community. Sub-communities are formed easily because they are not only access to one blog.

The Boundaried Community

This community emphasizes on the social connections and networking. Members who register and join the community are given chance to create a blog. Bloggers can easily access to other sites by utilizing tool such discussion boards, social networking features, wiki and instant messaging. The owner of blog has power to impose rules on the community. However, power is exercise by bloggers in three different ways which are frequency of posting, how many comments a blogger obtains help to determine his/her popularity and visualize relationships with wider audiences by using social networking tool.  

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The picture above shows the personal website of Malaysia current Prime Minister, Dato Sri Najib Razak and his site would probably fall under the boundaried community. He updates and shares his posts in frequent within the use of pictures and reflections. It emphasizes more on social connections as he allows non registrants to join the discussion and post their comments to his blogs. Moreover, his uses social networking tools, blog poll, and tag to visualize relationship with his readers.

White, N, 2006. Blogs and Community- launching a new paradigm for online community?, viewed 21 August 2011,

Kinkeldei, B, 2007. Whitepaper blog community: Forging Connections and Promoting Growth Through Blog Communities, viewed 21 August 2011,

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