Wednesday 24 August 2011

Screen vs Print document design

Friedman (2008) states sophisticated instruments do not often provided by traditional techniques in customizing print layouts whereas web users could not control over typography which mean how text appears because the structure of wed page are mostly determined by web browser. Nielsen (1999) explains there are 3 main differences between screen and print design in term of dimensionality, navigation, Response Time, Resolution, and Canvas size:

Print document design- Its layout is 2 dimensional and readers can easily choose and turn the page. Printed document such as posters and newspapers often created in fixed canvas size.

Screen document design- Its web design is 1-dimensional, N-dimensional and small amount of 2-dimensional layout. Users are able to scroll the page up or down throughout their reading experiences. However, placement of elements of web page has been limited by HTML text and page can only be adjusted based on different sizes of window.

Print document design- Page turning provide a simple interface for readers. However, Web design consists of limited page turning and therefore, readers do not perceive it as design elements.

Screen document design- Hypertext navigation consists of major web design components which require people to consider the appearance of links, hyperlink, visualize user's location and information architecture. Besides, user's experiences are dominated by the 'look and feel' of websites as they are able to browse around the world. It will generate strong emotional effect rather than having readers to focus seeing the page. 

Response Time, Resolution, and Canvas size
Print document design- It enable faster speed so that readers can turn the newspaper pages within a second. Huge size of visible space in newspaper is created to make a clear and organize layout for reader to go on reading. Yet, the quality and type of images are not as sharp as the resolution of a web page. 

Screen document design- It often provides small canvas layout due to limited screen size. Besides, screen document has word count limit because impatient online users are possibly scan rather than read the whole document.

Example of print document design, the Guardian newspaper: 

Source from

The printed newspaper above used multiple colors to balance the contrast between legibility and visual appeal. Different news contents is separated under different headings (see the right column) to have an organize structure. Besides, the main picture at center place also supported the content and headline.

Example of screen document design, my weblog:

The first image is used to provide visual effects in order to attract reader's attention. Whereas, the second image is used to explain the discussed theory so that readers can have better understanding on the topic. Online users could have interactive movement as they can click into whatever links at the side bar for further readings. 

Lastly, Benetos (2005) states content and presentation designs must be regarded in shifting text from one medium to another. He believes good writing, design and text choices are driven by strong reflection of purpose, intent of content and the needs of readers.

Nielsen, J. 1999, Differences Between Print Design and Web Design, viewed 24 August 2011,

Friedman, V. 2008, Award-Winning Newspaper Designs, viewed 24 August 2011,

Benetos, K. 2005, Design considerations when writing: print vs screen, viewed 21 August 2011,

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